Tuesday, May 10, 2016

NOTICE: POA Board of Director Changes Effective 5/8/2016

Debbie Christa-Ortiz has submitted her resignation from the POA Board of Directors effective 5/8/2016. The POA board has accepted her resignation and thanked her for volunteering her time on the board and serving the POA to protect, preserve, and maintain the value of the Sunset Bay community.
The POA board has approved and appointed Kelly Flanagan as President "Interim" and Betty Cook as Director at Large until the POA Annual Members Meeting on August 6, 2016 at which time new board members will be elected to the POA Board of Directors.
Any current member in good standing that is interested to be a candidate for a spot on POA Board should send their name in to the board secretary within the next few weeks so we can send out with the POA annual meeting notice. Proxies need to be sent in to the POA address if a member cannot attend the POA annual members meeting in order for your vote to count. If any questions please contact one of the current board members or email
thru the POA website
Thank you.
Sunset Bay Board of Directors