Saturday, October 20, 2018

POA Board Meeting Notice for 11/10/2018

A Corporation Not-for-Profit



TO:      Members of the Board of Directors
1.      Debbie Ortiz                      President
2.      Tim Raub                           Vice President
3.      Rick Gonzalez                    Vice President at Large
4.      Betty Cook                         Treasurer
5.      Gary Sequeira                   Secretary

Alternate Directors
1.    Nikki  Bloomer                  Community Missions Officer
2.    Kelly Flanagan                  Special Projects Officer

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Property Owners Association of Sunset Bay, Inc. will be held the following date and time:

            DATE:                          Saturday, November 10, 2018

            TIME:                           1:30 p.m.

            PLACE:                         Betty Cook’s home in Sunset Bay
133 Dockside Dr., Rockport, Texas 78382

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss general business of the Association.

Gary S. Sequeira

Dated:  October 13, 2018


Helllo! From POA President Debbie Ortiz

Hello! I came across the following article regarding crime in our area and thought it would be good information to share with Sunset Bay Property Owners. It’s unfortunate that crime seems to escalate on the heels of misfortune, but sadly it does.  This article demonstrates that the county is trying to address the problem and is looking to the community to help in its efforts.

For those property owners that live in our community and those that are in construction phases, whenever possible, reach out to your neighbors, one of the best things we can do is look out for each other; be aware and be alert. Whenever possible store construction materials and equipment out of plain sight. Encourage your contractor to take small tools and supplies with them at the end of each day and bring back the following day. If you see suspicious activity, contact the county Sheriff at 361-729-2222.

Since Hurricane Harvey, crime has risen in Aransas County. Several factors, including unoccupied properties, transient workers, new visitors, and the general vulnerability of some segments of our population account for the increase in some crime categories, such as property theft and vandalism. Aransas County Crime Stoppers recognized the necessity to engage the community to reduce and solve crimes within Aransas County and implemented a new program.

In September 2018, as part of their plan to reduce crime, the Aransas County Board of Directors approved an electronic tips program, known as P3 Tips. The system is now available to Rockport, Fulton and anywhere else in Aransas County, online at and through the free P3Tips App for your phone. Accessing the system through the site or app prompts the user to select a country, state, and city or county. The system automatically assigns a unique number to the person providing the tip, so they can follow-up and/or collect any reward offered by Crime Stoppers. This system automatically notifies the proper authorities, while insuring absolute anonymity for the tipster. P3 will also provide instructions on how to anonymously pick up cash at a bank, if one is available.

Aransas County Crime Stoppers is seeking supporters for advertising, as well as donations to fund payment of tip rewards. Anyone interested in joining Aransas County Crime Stoppers can contact Jim at (361) 727-0022. Persons wishing to report a crime or information related to a potential crime can also continue to call the anonymous phone number (361) 729-TIPS.
Wishing you all a happy, safe Fall!!

Best Regards,
Debbie Ortiz
President, Sunset Bay POA

Monday, September 10, 2018

From Debbie Ortiz - New POA Board of Directors President

Thank you to everyone that took the time to join us August 18, 2018, at the Annual Meeting! Cindy Kelly, with the Texas Parks and Wildlife, gave a wonderful presentation on fishing and the effects on the bay system post Hurricane Harvey. Steve Straub updated us on the Real Estate situation post Harvey; things are going well! A review of old business and new business was discussed and finally the election of officers.

I am pleased and honored to be serving as your Sunset Bay POA President again! We have a great community here and while Hurricane Harvey, threw a big “monkey wrench” into the situation; the city, the county, the community, and individuals are working hard to rebuild and restore! We have put together a very aggressive list of goals to accomplish for the year and your Board is committed to working through the list, to make our community the best it can be, and for all property owners to be proud to be part of the Sunset Bay Community!

I’d also like to take a moment to thank Tim Raub for his tenure as President of the Association. Tim, your time and efforts are so appreciated and also appreciated in your role this year as VP!

Josh Staley, your finance acumen for the many years you served as the Association Treasurer and in recent years the “face” of the Association in regards to the legal matter is appreciated more than words can convey! Thank you for your time and efforts, again they were so very valuable and appreciated!

Betty, Gary (Sharon), Rick, thank you for remaining on the Board! Your contributions are so important and so valuable and so appreciated! Gary (Sharon) you now hold the title of the longest Board member, you are the glue that keeps it all together!! Thank you for continuing to give of your time, expertise and efforts to the Board!! Betty, thank you for taking on the role of Treasurer, it is a very important role! Rick, your contributions and many talents are such a benefit to the Board and the Community!

Kelly a big huge welcome back!! Your commitment to Sunset Bay is unwavering, your contributions are so terrific and we are so lucky you are part of the team, thank you, thank you!!!

Niki, welcome!!! Your enthusiasm, willingness and desire to make Sunset Bay great are so very welcomed and appreciated!

All of your Board members are property owners, that voluntarily give of their time to serve, to contribute, to maintain and enhance our Community. We really have a super team and we’re all looking forward to working together for our Community!!

Debbie Ortiz
President, Sunset Bay POA